Tutorial 16 - PIC Programming (Linux OS)
This tutorial shows how to use iCP01 and iCP02 under Linux OS with Terminal or GUI form. Support is NOT provided for this Linux OS programming.
Supported Operating System:
CentOS 4.7, CentOS 5.1, Ubuntu 6.06, Ubuntu 7.10, Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 8.10,
Fedora Core 6, Fedora 9
Software installation (Terminal form):
- To program a PIC under Linux, please download the correct tar.gz file, for most users of up to date linux you want the 2.6 Executable binary which is this one.
- Then extract into a directory of your choice, make sure the permissions are set to 'executable' so that the application can run otherwise you might get an error.
- After extracting the files into your chosen directory, open a BASH Terminal and 'cd' to the directory holding these new extracted files.
- Here is a typical example of a terminal output on a Linux Ubuntu laptop.
- For more details and command, please read 'ReadmeForPK2CMDLinux2-6.txt'.
NOTE: You must have super user or 'SUDO' for the pk2cmd software to access the protected hardware.
Command Line Option:
The following commands are available in the command line interface:
Options | Description |
C | Blank Check Device |
E | Erase Flash Device |
F<file> | Hex File Selection |
G<Type><range/path> |
Read functions Type F: = read into hex file, path = full file path, range is not used Types P,E,I,C: = ouput read of Program, EEPROM, ID and/or Configuration Memory to the screen. P and E must be followed by an address range in the form of x-y where x is the start address and y is the end address both in hex, path is not used |
K | Display Hex File Checksum |
L<rate> |
Set programming speed <rate> is a value of 1-16, with 1 being the fastest |
M<memory region> |
Program Device Memory regions: P = Program memory, E = EEPROM, I = ID memory C = Configuration memory If no region is entered, the entire device will be erased & programmed. If a region is entered, no erase is performed and only the given region is programmed. |
P<part> | Part Selection. Example: -PPIC16f887 |
P | Auto-Detect in all detectable families |
PF | List auto-detectable part families |
R | Release /MCLR after operations |
U<value> | Program OSCCAL memory, where: <value> is a hexidecimal number representing the OSCCAL value to be programmed. This may only be used in conjunction with a programming operation. |
V<value> | Vpp override |
X | Use VPP first Program Entry Method |
Y<memory region> |
Verify Device: P = Program memory, E = EEPROM, I = ID memory C = Configuration memory If no region is entered, the entire device will be verified |
Z | Preserve EEData on Program |
? | Help Screen |
Each option must be immediately preceeded by a switch, which can be either a dash <-> or a slash </> and options must be separated by a single space.
PK2CMD /PPIC16F887 /Fc:mycode /M
PK2CMD -PPIC16F887 -Fc:mycode -M
Command Line Example:
[DIR]$ sudo ./pk2cmd -PPIC16F628 -F sensorboard_236.hex -MPC
PICkit2 set to a PIC16F628. File sensorboard_236.hex is loaded. The device's program memory and configuration memory are programmed.
Software installation (GUI form):
- You need to downlaod the PicKit2-Programmer-GUI-1.2-Linux.zip and copy pk2cmd and PK2DeviceFile.dat files into /bin folder, even if you have manually installed pk2cmd before.
- Open a terminal window in this folder and type in: 'sudo cp pk2cmd PK2DeviceFile.dat /bin'
- Enter your root password and you're done.
- To run the software, launch the .jar file.
- For more information, please visit Microchip Forum: Link
- Please feel free to contact François Gilbert (gosmonaute@gmail.com) for any help or have comments on the GUI.
- PK2CMD V1.20 Linux Kernel 2.4 Executable Binary: .tar.gz
- PK2CMD V1.20 Linux Kernel 2.6 Executable Binary: .tar.gz
- PicKit2-Programmer-GUI-1.2-Linux: .zip
- Latest PIC devices list, PK2DeviceFile: .dat
Special Thanks to:
- Graham Medland for providing the information
- François Gilbert for providing the GUI for pk2cmd